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Environmental Services
Air Quality
Emissions Inventory Assessment:
An emission inventory is an itemized list of air pollutant emissions from both permitted and unpermitted sources at a facility. The assessment is designed to determine not only a facility’s actual emissions, but also the facility’s Potential to Emit (PTE). The permit and regulatory requirements for your facility are largely determined by the facility’s PTE. Chem-Tech will calculate emissions using various methods and procedures including engineering calculations, EPA or trade group emissions factors, or direct measurements. Present and future year emissions inventories are critical components of compliance with air quality regulations.
BAT Control Equipment Cost Effectiveness Studies:
When potential emissions for a new project exceed certain thresholds, EPA requires that a best available control technology study be done to determine if add on pollution controls will be required. Chem-Tech can complete this study, comparing different control options that EPA would then use to make a final determination. In many cases, the determination will be that additional control equipment is not mandated.
Pollution Prevention & Cost Savings:
Pollution prevention does not always mean higher costs. Chem-Tech can assist in identifying areas to save money such as materials reduction or replacement, material reuse or recycling, and energy conservation.
Air Dispersion Modeling: Occasionally, EPA requires air dispersion modeling to determine the maximum ground level concentration of certain air pollutants past the facility’s property line. Modeling is typically required to determine if air pollution control equipment will be required for a new project prior to issuing an air permit. Chem-Tech primarily uses the SCREEN3 program for air dispersion modeling.
Stack Testing:
Some air permits require emissions testing to verify that control equipment is capturing pollutants and operating efficiently. Chem-Tech contracts with leading reputable testing companies to fulfill our clients’ stack testing needs.
Indoor Air Quality Sampling & Assessments:
As part of a hazard analysis involving airborne contaminates, the breathing air must be tested to ascertain the concentrations of contaminates in the air. Chem-Tech provides full services to ensure that OSHA indoor air quality standards are met. Where areas exist that exceed air quality standards, Chem-Tech has the knowledge and experience to help engineer solutions.
Air Permits (Title V, Synthetic Minor, State Permits, etc.):
Air Permits are needed prior to the installation and operation of an air emission source. Some sources require reports of emissions on a periodic basis. Chem-Tech can perform the necessary calculations and consultation that are needed to properly file the permit and prepare reports.
Air Permit Exemption Documentation:
Not all air emission sources require permits. However, to claim an exemption, documentation must be on record to prove that the source emits less that the threshold of contaminants. Chem-Tech can assist with the evaluation and calculation to document air emission exemptions.
Permit Recordkeeping & Reporting Assistance:
Accurate and current recordkeeping is a requirement of air permits. Chem-Tech will assist in the up-to-date record keeping, calculating, and reporting of air emission sources.
Risk Management
Risk Management Planning (Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990):
Section 112 (r) of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 requires a risk management plan to be prepared, submitted, and implemented if certain toxic or flammable chemicals are stored on site in threshold quantities. However, if any amount of these chemicals are stored on site, they must be evaluated and the facility designed to prevent the release of the chemicals. Also, a release occurs, procedures must be in place to minimize the consequences of the release. Chem-Tech can assist with a full plan or integrating procedures into the company Emergency Action Plan
SARA Title III: The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (TITLE III) was formed in response to the Bhopal Disaster. The Act requires industrial plants to work with local and state governments to prepare an emergency response plan. In addition, the Act imposes numerous annual reporting to assure that state and local officials are aware of the hazardous substances used or stored at the facility. The Act also requires immediate reporting of accidental releases to the environment.
SARA 312 – Inventory Reports:
Section 312 requires the facility to report each year by March 1 the inventories of chemicals over a certain threshold if that chemical was stored at the site some time during the year. Chem-Tech can help in the understanding of the requirements and assist in compliance.
SARA 313 – Toxic Release Inventory:
Each year by July 1, the amount of certain chemicals released to the environment must be reported. Chem-Tech will list the chemicals and their threshold for the previous year as well as submitting the appropriate forms for each chemical.
(Asbestos 29 CFR 1910, 1926 & 40 CFR Part 61)
Awareness Training:
Asbestos Awareness is designed for the employee and the supervisor to increase their knowledge, awareness and location of suspect asbestos and the hazards that are associated with the suspect item. The course is designed to conform to OSHA, Appendix H. Strong emphasis is on suspect asbestos and awareness. This course is approved by the Ohio EPA for 1.0 regular contact hour for both water supply and wastewater.
Bulk Sampling:
Bulk sampling of asbestos is the only way to verify the asbestos content and meet the requirements of the OEPA and the Ohio Department of Health. All industries are required to identify worker exposure to asbestos; this also includes the construction renovation or demolition process. Chem-Tech has an experienced individual licensed by the Ohio Department of Health as an Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist to assist you.
Demolition Representation (NESHAPS):
During the demolition of structures it is a requirement, as certified in the demolition notice to have a 5 day trained competent person on site to identify any asbestos and other airborne hazards under the NESHAPS regulations. Chem-Tech has an experienced and licensed NESHAPS individual to assist you in complying with this requirement.
Inspections & Surveys:
Based on the general industry and construction standards, all industries including government buildings, construction renovations and demolitions are required to have an asbestos inspection to identify the potential for exposure to asbestos in the work place. Chem-Tech has two individuals licensed by the Ohio Department of Health as an Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist to assist you.
Management Plans:
Management Plans are required in most School settings from K – 12 grades and are strongly recommended in industries for proper employee protection. Management Plans identify the location of the asbestos containing materials and the proper steps to maintain it or prevent exposure. Chem-Tech has an experienced management planner licensed by the Ohio Department of Health who can develop a customized management plan for your needs
Environmental Audits
Compliance Audits:
Environmental compliance has become a major concern due to the enactment of numerous laws and the myriad of published regulations. The possibility of civil and criminal penalties as well as environmental concerns make compliance very important. Environmental assessments can help achieve compliance by evaluating present operations, acquisitions, and disposal sites to ensure adherence to the law.
One of the first steps to environmental compliance is an assessment of air emissions, wastewater discharges, and hazardous waste management. A Chem-Tech environmental audit will provide a prioritized list of recommendations to help achieve compliance and limit liability. The audit may, at the client’s option, be performed according to the ASTM standard of practice.
Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility (TSDF) Audits:
Before a Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility (TSDF) is used for the disposal of hazardous waste, the TSDF should be audited to ensure that the liability of the user is sufficiently limited by their practices. Allow Chem-Tech to perform a thorough review of the facilities location, processes, records, and regulatory compliance.
Hazardous / Toxic Waste Management
Compliance Assistance:
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) and Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 marked the beginning of the complex regulatory program for the control of hazardous waste and toxic substances. Since that time, CERCLA or Superfund, RERCRA, SARA and other laws have set the framework for the present regulatory morass.
Chem-Tech can assist with untangling the regulations and determining which apply to your situation. We will assist in maintaining thorough and accurate records. Since hazardous waste laws are enforced by rebuttable presumption, detailed documentation is essential in limiting liability.
Technical Supervision - Periodic checks of hazardous waste areas, records, and shipping manifests by Chem-Tech will promote good hazardous waste management practices and ensure compliance.
Contingency Plans:
All large quantity generators of hazardous waste must have a contingency plan on-site to specify what action will be taken in an emergency. Small quantity generators must have a similar plant which is termed a Preparedness and Prevention Plan. Chem-Tech can develop and help implement such plans and train personnel in the proper handling, disposal, and emergency procedures involved with hazardous substances.
Closure Plans & Implementation:
If hazardous waste has been on-site for more than 90 days, the EPA views the generator as an unlicensed storage facility. Also, if the location of a hazardous waste storage area is moved, the old area must be documented as clean using the regulated closure procedures. Chem-Tech can develop, implement, and execute a closure plan that meets EPA approval. Professional engineers on staff are qualified to certify the closure.
DOT Compliance:
Anyone shipping hazardous materials (including hazardous waste) must abide by the Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials shipping regulations if they load, unload, or prepare the hazardous materials for shipping. These requirements include training of personnel, registering as a hazardous material shipper, displaying placards, marking, labeling, and preparing shipping papers. Chem-Tech personnel are trained and experienced in these regulations and can assist in meeting these requirements.
FIFRA Assistance:
Chem-Tech can assist you in complying with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) including establishment registration and reporting, inspections, records review and compliance monitoring.
Facilities that produce pesticides, active ingredients or devices, including companies that import into the United States, must register with EPA. ("Production" includes formulation, packaging, repackaging, and relabeling.) The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) requires that production of pesticides or devices be conducted in a registered pesticide-producing or device-producing establishment. Production in an unregistered establishment is a violation of the law. -
An initial report is due to EPA 30 days after the company is notified of their pesticide-producing or device-producing establishment number. Each facility that produces pesticides or devices must submit a report to EPA by March first each year. The report includes:
- Name and address of the producing establishment
- Pesticide production information such as product registration number, product name and amounts produced
Foreign establishments that import pesticides or devices to the United States must also submit a report to EPA. Failure to file an initial and annual production report is a violation of FIFRA, and may result in termination of the establishment's registration, civil penalties up to $6,500 per violation or criminal penalties. In addition, it is unlawful to knowingly
falsify all or part of any pesticide production information reported to EPA.
Records Review:
A review of company records may be conducted at Chem-Tech or at the facility, and may or may not be combined with fieldwork. Records may be derived from monitoring, inspection reports, employee interviews, or observation. A review of records can spot potential violations and recommend corrective action before an EPA audit, saving the facility from burdensome fines and penalties. -
Compliance Monitoring:
A compliance monitoring program assures compliance with environmental laws and regulations through inspections, field monitoring, and other investigations. Companies dealing with pesticides must do so in a manner not only consistent with federal laws, but also consistent with state laws and regulations which differ from state to state. In general, states have primary authority for compliance monitoring and enforcing against use of pesticides in violation of the labeling requirements. Additionally, the agency with primary responsibility for pesticides differs from state to state. Usually it is a state's department of agriculture, but may be a state's environmental agency or other agency.
PCB Management:
PCB’s have been banned from manufacturers since 1979, but many are still in use in older electrical equipment. PCB transformers must be registered with fire departments, inspected quarterly, and reported annually. Also, PCB equipment is a recognized environmental liability to any facility that is using the equipment. Chem-Tech can perform the associated tasks and advise in PCB equipment replacement and clean-up.
Waste Evaluation & Sampling:
All business must determine whether the waste they generate is hazardous as defined by law. Failure to evaluate waste is the number one violation according to the EPA. Chem-Tech can provide the answer through examination of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), sampling, and study of the regulations. We provide a waste evaluation document which will document the waste determination.
Waste Minimization & Waste Minimization Plans:
A generator of hazardous waste must certify on the manifest when shipping that they have a plan in place to minimize waste. Chem-Tech can help develop strategy to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated.
Waste Reporting:
Large quantity generators of hazardous waste are required to submit annual reports which indicate how much waste was shipped off site during the year. Chem-Tech can assist with the preparation of these reports which are due by March 1 each year.
Waste Reporting:
Large quantity generators of hazardous waste are required to submit annual reports which indicate how much waste was shipped off site during the year. Chem-Tech can assist with the preparation of these reports which are due by March 1 each year.
Industrial Hygiene
We can help you develop a plan for exposure to bloodborne pathogens, blood and infectious materials. Our OSHA's Permit Required Confined Space Standard helps to reduce death and injury in confined spaces. An action plan for fire prevention, required for employers with more than 10 employees, can also be integrated into your business. Hazard communications and emergency response plans are also required and essential. Additional plans include a highly hazardous chemical plan, lock-out and tag-out, mold, noise level monitoring, personal protective equipment, respirator protection, and OSHA compliant environments.
ISO 14001
ISO: 14001 is an international standard specification for an environmental management system (EMS). The EMS analyzes various aspects associated with the operation of a company’s operations. The EMS develops a plan for regulatory compliance, prevention of pollution, continual improvement, and to sustain the business of the company. The benefits of an EMS include reducing environmental liability, lower waste and material costs, meeting customer requirements, environmental compliance, and improved public image. Chem-Tech can assist with part or the entire program.
Chem-Tech cannot provide you with the third party registration audit because of conflict of interest provisions in the standard. However, we can provide a pre-registration audit, self declaration audits, surveillance audits, compliance, and vendor audits.
GAP Analysis:
Many companies have part of their system in place to start the EMS process especially if they are ISO or QS 9000 certified. To evaluate the present position Chem-Tech can perform a GAP Analysis. This gap analysis compares the present environmental management with the required elements of the ISO 14001 standard and recommends areas where work needs to be done as well as an estimate of time required.

Implementation Assistance:
Chem-tech can provide an implementation strategy based on the gap analysis report. Initially, the Environmental Policy (4.2) must be formulated. Then the Planning Phase (4.3) must develop the procedure for determination of aspects and related environmental impacts. Objectives and targets which improve the environmental impact are formulated into Environmental Management Programs. The Implementation and Operation Element (4.4) determines who is responsible and how the EMP’s will be accomplished. The Checking and Corrective Action (4.5) is an evaluation of the EMP’s. Finally, the Management Review (4.6) is the method of insuring continual improvement of the Environmental Management System. We can also provide training, guide or write procedures, review documents, and general consultation.
ISO 14001 Training:
Chem-Tech can provide basic awareness to management and/or employees for those companies that are pursuing ISO 14001 Certification as well as internal auditor training. The basic awareness training includes an overview of the standard as well as an explanation of the purpose and terms used in the standard. The internal auditor training gives an overview of environmental regulations, the ISO 14001 Standard, audit techniques, and hands-on auditor practice.
OnSite Sample Collection
Air Monitoring
Stack Testing:
Some air permits require emissions testing to verify that control equipment is capturing pollutants and operating efficiently. Chem-Tech contracts with leading reputable testing companies to fulfill our clients’ stack testing needs.
Indoor Air Quality Sampling & Assessments:
As part of a hazard analysis involving airborne contaminates, the breathing air must be tested to ascertain the concentrations of contaminates in the air. Chem-Tech provides full services to ensure that OSHA indoor air quality standards are met. Where areas exist that exceed air quality standards, Chem-Tech has the knowledge and experience to help engineer solutions.
Soil Sampling
Soil sampling can be part of an environmental investigation. Soil sampling involves sampling of solid media which may be extracted using hand implements or drilling probes. Chem-Tech has conducted soil sampling in conjunction with underground tank closures and risk assessments; soil pile remediation, core borings, hazardous waste closures, PCB remediation, Phase II & III investigations, as well as other assessment work. Chem-Tech uses audited third party laboratories to test samples to insure analytical integrity.
Water Sampling
Drinking Water:
As part of the Safe Drinking Water Act, public water systems must monitor the water they produce to ensure that the public is receiving clean, pure water. Chem-Tech can assist in the collection and delivery of the samples to an approved, audited laboratory as well interprets the results. Chem-Tech® has experience with bacterial, inorganic, organic, lead & copper, synthetic Organic chemicals, asbestos, radiological, and other types of water sampling. -
Storm Water:
Certain categories of storm water discharges require sampling during a storm event. This requirement poses challenges to sampling personnel since storms are not very predictable. Chem-Tech has the experience to watch the weather and sample with a minimum of lost time due to the capricious nature of weather. Chem-Tech has experience with a variety of clients and situations. -
As part of a NPDES Permit, pretreatment permit, design, or other reason to sample, care must be taken to insure a representative sample. Chem-Tech can assist in the collection and delivery of the samples to an approved, audited laboratory as well interprets the results. Chem-Tech has experience with grab and automatic sampling techniques in a variety of sampling environments.
Waste Characterization
All business must determine whether the waste they generate is hazardous as defined by law. Failure to evaluate waste is the number one violation according to the EPA. To properly characterize a waste; a representative sample must be collected. Chem-Tech can provide this service through examination of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), sampling, and study of the regulations. Chem-Tech will collect a representative sample, send it to an audited or certified laboratory for analysis, and provide waste evaluation information which will document the waste determination.
Tank Management
BUSTR Compliance Audits:
Annually, The Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations requires an audit of every active UST system component with emphasis on electronic and mechanical leak detections systems for compliance with the regulations. Chem-Tech performs these evaluations for our clients utilizing a licensed installer and individuals certified by the manufacturers of electronic leak detection methods.
Certified Tank Installer:
Chem-Tech has been a part of the underground storage tank licensing process since it began with a 22 year Certified Installer on staff.
Tank Closures:
Many underground storage tanks containing new and used hazardous materials and petroleum products are regulated by the State Fire Marshalls Office under OAC 1301: 7-9-12 and require proper tank closure activities by licensed individuals to be compliant with the regulations. Chem-Tech has a licensed installer on staff with 19 years of experience as a Certified Installer to assist you in compliance with these regulations.
Fund Submittal’s:
When tank owners experience a release and perform corrective actions under the State Fire Marshals regulations certain step by step processes apply to receive eligibility and reimbursement from the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Release Compensation Board (PUSTRCB). Chem-Tech has the knowledge and experience to assist tank owners through the complicated process.
Leak & Detection Testing:
Underground and aboveground storage tanks alike have requirements for leak detection. Chem-Tech utilizes the Petro-Tite line testing system to evaluate underground product lines and to conduct mechanical leak detector testing as part of verifying releases and annual compliance to the State Fire Marshal and Federal regulations.
Chem-Tech also utilizes non-destructive ultrasonic testing to evaluate aboveground storage tanks that are not dielectrically isolated from the ground to determine tank shell thickness and project corrosion rates using the API and STI tank standards.
Chem-Tech can also assist with electronic monitoring units with services varying from system and operation audits to specification and installation assistance of new monitoring equipment.
Management Plans:
Tank management plans make for quick and simple reference documents for system compliance with the regulations. Many of the requirements vary from a one year to ten year evaluation requirement. Chem-Tech will customize a plan to your specific needs there is no need to track your requirements and run the risk of fines related to noncompliance issues.
Permitting is required in the State of Ohio to install, remove or alter an underground storage tank. Aboveground storage tanks have similar requirements as well. Chem-Tech has the experience to assist you through the process of tank permits.
Soil & Groundwater Testing:
Chem-Tech has performed many assessments that require soil and groundwater evaluations over 25 years. We utilize varying methods to properly install soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells. These methods range from hand auger borings to GEO Probe and truck mounted drill rigs. Intra plant assessments are performed using a track mounted GEO Probe for easy access.
Chem-Tech's experienced technical staff uses protocols established by the ASTM, Regulatory authorities and qualified Laboratories for most accurate assessment possible.
SPCC Plans (Spill, Prevention, Control & Countermeasure Plan):
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the Clean Water Act both give the authority to the US EPA to develop regulations under 40 CFR 110 to prohibit discharges of oil into navigable waterways in harmful quantities. Also, under 40 CFR 112, rules were established to require companies who store oil to prepare procedures, methods, and to provide equipment to prevent the discharge of oil into U.S. waters.
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans are required for above ground storage of greater than 1,320 gallons above ground and 42,000 gallons underground (if not regulated as an underground storage tank). These SPCC Plans must be available on site, must provide for appropriate training, and must be certified by a registered professional engineer. Penalties for failure to comply with the regulations can be from $10,000 to up to $300,000 plus jail time.
Chem-Tech is qualified to evaluate your requirements, prepare and certify the SPCC Plan, train your personnel, and provide tank evaluations.
System Design:
Aboveground and underground storage tanks require design to properly operate and comply with permit requirements in the State of Ohio. Many factors are involved and Chem-Tech's extensive field experience allows us to design a system to meet your needs.
Tier 1, 2 & 3 Assessments:
Underground storage tanks that are known or suspected to have releases to the environment must conduct corrective actions under OAC 1301: 7-9-13. These assessments vary from investigations, risk assessments, interim response actions and remediation of tank sites. Chem-Tech has vast experience in underground storage tank assessments since 1986.
Certified Operators
- Water Supply:
The Ohio EPA requires that certified operator certified operator public water systems be in responsible charge of a. Systems are classed as A, I, II, III & IV systems depending on complexity and population served. Chem-Tech has experienced Ohio Class I and Class III operators which can assist with troubleshooting, technical supervision, and consultation.
- Wastewater:
The Ohio EPA requires that a certified operator be in charge of wastewater systems. Systems are classed as A, I, II, III & IV systems depending on complexity and population served. Chem-Tech has an experienced Ohio Class III operator which can assist with troubleshooting, technical supervision, and consultation.
Most wastewater systems and water systems are required to be designed by a registered professional engineer. Chem-Tech engineers are qualified and have the experience in the design of both potable water treatment as well as wastewater treatment systems including sanitary and industrial wastewater treatment systems.
Wastewater system evaluation may be necessary so that the treatment can be designed to meet effluent limits. Wastewater evaluation may be an infiltration / inflow study, treatability study, sewer system contaminate tracking, constituent investigation, or studies to obtain a variance from the effluent limits. Chem-Tech has personnel experienced in all of these types of investigations and evaluations.
The main emphasis of the Clean Water Act was to control discharges from industrial plants. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requires that every industry obtain a permit to discharge wastewater. Indirect discharge may be allowed to municipal wastewater treatment works but limits are imposed on certain categories of industries. Chem-Tech can assist with the permit initial or renewal application whether it is a permit to install, individual direct discharge permit, indirect discharge permit, or storm water permit.